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Make Your Own Butter

What you'll need:

Glass Jar with a Lid (any size will do)

Heavy Whipping Cream

A marble

What to do:

Get a clean glass jar with a lid.  Like a mason jar.  It can be any size, it just depends on how much butter you want to make.

Fill the jar about halfway with cold, heavy whipping cream.

Put a marble in the cream.  Make sure you wash and rinse the marble you are going to use first.

Put the lid on the jar and make sure it's closed nice and tight.

Now turn on some music and shake, shake, shake, the marble as hard as you can.

It will take about 3 minutes for the cream to turn into butter.  When you are shaking you will get to a point where it gets harder and harder to shake the marble and you can't hear the marble rattling in the jar. THIS IS GOOD!!  It means you are seconds away from having butter.  So keep shaking and then boom all of a sudden you will hear the marble again and you'll see a ball of butter in your jar.

Open the jar and drain off the liquid in the jar that separated from your butter.

Find some warm bread or tortillas and use your butter!!

You can also add sugar or cinnamon to your butter after it's made to make a sweet flavored butter.  Add whatever you like to your butter and share with your family!!